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Awezome Bjoernar
Hi everyone! I'm Bjoernar, and I want to welcome you to my blogsites! Basically, I'm into vlogging (video blogging). But since I'm doing video blogs, why not doing blogs to? I hope you'll enjoy my blog later, because this sites looks like shit right now. Anyway, I'll see you later! :'D
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Tuesday, November 30

Christmas times are happy times!

Hi guys!

Another beautiful day in a beautiful world : ). This week has been terrific so far, and I think it's gonna keep being terrific. Despite the cold whether, it's been just terrific. I have found the reason why; It's Christmas time! Christmas is based on happiness and joy, so it gotta be the Christmas that makes me feel so happy. Although December 1st is tomorrow, I feel the Christmas coming!

Unfortunately, my parents are separated. They've been separated for two years, so I know how the Christmas is without one of them. Still I feel that's the only thing providing Christmas for being Christmas. Some wise guy said that time heals all wounds. I disagree. Nothing is like celebrating Christmas with both parents.

Well, I'm obviously gonna celebrate Christmas with my dad and my step-mother (I just call her step-mother in the blog. I don't usually call her that, but it's the easiest word to use so you'll understand). That's a thought that are a little strange to handle, but I guess I have to give it a try. I gotta be honest; when I heard that idea, I was like "No, I'm not ready to do that yet". But by giving some time to think about it, I actually think it's gonna be great anyway.

I gotta tell you something right away. When people think about the word "step-mother", they think about an evil witch that totally ruins their life. I disagree that as well. My "step-mother" is the best step-mother I could ever want. She's kind, she's funny and last, but not least she makes my dad happy. That's what means the most to be; that my dad's happy. Things were (and still are) kinda ruff for me, but by seeing my dad being happy makes the whole situation easier. Even though it's the second Christmas my parents are separated, it's hard to overcome. It's a little special to share these kind of things with others, so I hope you appreciate it.

More and more people are beginning to read the blog, and I believe that just wonderful. I also think someone should leave a comment or something. Tell me what to improve, what's good about the blog, what's bad about the blog, how you feel today - whatever you want! I already got some comments from one of my greatest friend, Lisa, so you should really check out her blog! Click here to check out her blog (the page is translated to English, just for you : D ). If you decide that you aren't gonna listen to me, then I just want to say that I'm satisfied that readers all around the world would like to read my blog. Spread the word people : )! Anyway, thank you.

Do you have a YouTube account or visit YouTube often? Make sure to check out my suggestion to a intro for my video blog here, and tell me if you like it or not (beware that I think it's a little bit CTFxC look-a-like. So if you agree, tell me so I won't use it).

I guess this is what you get from me tonight. My final message to you from me is: "Christmas is coming up. Be happy and enjoy Christmas like we're suppose to do. Christmas is only one a year. Spend it wisely!"

I'll see you later, beloved readers! : )


Unknown said...

Jeg synes det er bra at du blogger åpent om følelsene dine rundt separasjonen. Jeg håper du får en fin jul, uansett. :) (Også kan du glede deg til at jeg og Sofia kommer og besøker deg! :D <3)