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Awezome Bjoernar
Hi everyone! I'm Bjoernar, and I want to welcome you to my blogsites! Basically, I'm into vlogging (video blogging). But since I'm doing video blogs, why not doing blogs to? I hope you'll enjoy my blog later, because this sites looks like shit right now. Anyway, I'll see you later! :'D
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Wednesday, January 12

Annoyed by Unaccomplished Tasks?

Hi guys!

I didn't blog yesterday because I was to sick to do so, which clearly result to something bad. I just understand. When you're sick and can't go to work, why are they saying that your staying home only to skip work? I have to stay home today because I'm sick. They say I'm staying home to skip work. That's so false. I have a presentation today and I can see how that makes me look, but seriously; I'm sick and it isn't my fault. When my colleges are sick, they think they are sick when their not. When I'm sick, then it suddenly is a try to skip work. What is that, some kind of racism or something? I'm one of those who actually care about my work, and then I'm the one who just skips it?! I don't think so. Those who don't care has a bigger reason to stay home besides being sick. I'm sick and horrified that I can't do the presentation today, but still I'm told that I'm skipping it because I don't want to go and work today. That annoys me. You obviously can't expect anything else then that. This is how the community has turned out to be, unfortunately. So today I've been home doing nothing than trying to get well. There is a reason why it's called "get well soon", isn't it? 

Have you ever felt "disgusting" when something isn't what I should be? I know it sounds weird, but what I mean is: do you annoy yourself over things that isn't done, look good or anything like it? For instance, if your room is messy, and it should be clean, you feel like you've been working and gotten dirty. Do you every feel that way? I know it's a weird question to ask, but I'm experiencing it. When something isn't right like not doing my hair, cleaned my room or something I feel dirty. Like, really really dirty. I don't know why. That's why I'm so upsests with getting things done when I should so I don't have to have that feeling. It can just be by not putting hairgel in my hair after showering. I don't know what's wrong with me, but if others of you also feel this way - let me know. I hate being such a weirdo. I swear, I can go around for months annoying myself by thinking of those things I should do. Working out more often is one of them. There is just some things that we need to do to let it go. Therefore it's wise to organize the days so you make sure you'll get it done. If not you'll be thinking about it for a while. That's the way it works.

*sight*... that video blog. It annoyes me that I havent't got it started yet. Why is it going this slow? You know what, this weekend is going to be about doing whatever it takes to make the video blog started. I can't wait anymore. I have really big ambitions about it, and I want to accomplish it. For that reason, I'm going to rehears my accent, my speaking and plan whatever's needed for the video blog THIS WEEKEND! I have to do it really soon. I'm so unpatient. If someone knows some really good tips and tricks for getting started, let me know. I'll do (almost) anything to make the video blog starting soon. I wish I had more English speaking friends. If I had, I could Skype them. That way I can rehears my accent and speaking to a camera. I need to get some more friends.

There you go. This is what annoys me, and can annoy me for a long period of time. The video blogging annoys me. I really want to start, but there is something in the way of accomplishing it. The easiest way to make this annoying feeling disappear, is by doing what your suppose to do. Try accomplishing your goals and what you need to do so you don't have to think about it anymore. So that's what I'm going to do this weekend; getting closer to accomplishing what I want.

Well, that's what today is all about. Therefore this is the end of this blog.

I'll see you later!